Labor Day FB9 trip report

River:French Broad
Trip Date:09/02/2019
Written by: , Posted: September 3, 2019

On Labor Day we had 8 people and 7 boats on our French Broad section 9 trip.  It was a low water run around 1200 cfs and a good level for a pfd.  My wife Theresa and I did our first run in a Tandem open canoe.  I have done this trip many times before but this was my first in a Tandem canoe.  My wife and I had a good run for our pfd.  Our line at big pillow was less than ideal but it was a good first lap and we managed to stay in the boat.  We had a good representation of paddlers from the very experienced to novice first timers.  Everyone had a great day.  There was only one swim that was within sight of the take out at Stackhouse. We started with 8 people and we finished with 8 people, so it was a success.