Punks at the Park Friday Edition

Trip Date:10/07/2022
Written by: , Posted: October 13, 2022
Punks at the Park Friday Edition.
Several well-known Punks showed up along with a few new wannabees.
It’s always great to see Dennis Huntley ” Gandoff”, Splatty Matty Daniels, Bret Harrison, Vince Davis, Steve Goetzinger, and Chris Chandler.
We misled you by stating that Mr. Perfect would be in attendance. Earlier in the week, he thought he was a Lumberjack, which ended up not being “okay”. Monty Python – Lumberjack Song.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FshU58nI0Ts
Big Right is always the preferred first lap. Snatching a couple of the eddies and surf waves on the first lap will usually tell you how the day is going to be. Pretty sweet lines and decent surfs on “sketch wave” and the wave beside the mini Pavillion said we were going to have a good day.
Did I mention Gandoff brought his Shredder? Some old Cboater pestered the crap out of him and it magically appeared. If you have never taken a lap with Gandoff you miss a treat. Our very first lap, a couple of Shamrock Smackdowns ago ended with me dumping DH into the pool below Big Drop. His return strategy with me was to take it easy and let us just flow. We would talk about anything but the rapid and our line. Just take one big stroke to pull us up and over the wave. I was also warned not to fall into the center of the Shredder. Falling into the center means you were not sitting far enough out on the tube and it marks you for life. As bridge drop got me falling right into the middle, one more mark for me. Yall probably know that big Gandoff laugh and it was heard loud and clear. We did several laps on each channel and some surfing on the Wilderness channel. Thanks, mostly, Gandoff. Steve got on the tube later and had a couple of great laps with his friend of many years.
Chris, Matt, Vince, and Bret were styling and profiling the waves all day. Unfortunately, there were no swims. Many party wave surfs which is always a treat. Biscuits and Grave was in and many cool rides were had. Gandoff was there most of the time snapping photos. Kodak courage is a real thing for sure.
As the day was winding down we took another Comp Channel lap where I was able to put a good-sized hole in the back seam of my boat. Anyone can run Big Drop, but to run it with style, you need to lean back so your stern will grab and launch you into space. I was too far right in the seam and peeled back some plastic. Jackson Superstar was done for the day.
I did spot Gandoffs Octane 91 at the upper pond so I jumped into it and took off. First time in one of these newer boats and I really like it. Snaps, snaps into an eddy. Thanks Gandoff.
Sometimes you just need to take a vacation day and go boating. Call your friends, widen your circle and, get moving.
Thanks to all who attended.
Fall Colors Trip is October 29th.
MMRT is January 21st.
Let’s go boating!