UG Trip — Old Timer Perspective

Trip Date:09/07/2013
Written by: , Posted: October 6, 2013

 This is the older persons perspecive of the First timers trip by Joseph the Berry. 

Bret's van. Lisa. Dennis A. Matt. Joe. Macy's pee break. As far as you know its just two pillows. Jalepeno cheetos. Ghiradelli triple chocolate brownies.Pink fly swatter. Lisa bothering Joe. Joe bothering Lisa. " The Canyon". 52N. Kurt's Blue Man Group date excuse. James in Sequium. Whytheville Gas $3.19.  Mini blizzard. Honey buns honey. 2nd Tunnel UG breath training. Cocount oil for the dog bite. Shelly. White? No really, white?" The Canyon". Battle run. Jon. Luke and Tina. Tent spacing not. Dinner. Summersville. Potato festival. Maloney's. Good find. Men's bathroom door lock is not. Show time for Tina! Camp. Stuart. Jeremey and Melissa. Clear night. Gatoraid bottle.  Howard Leight Super Leight earplugs.

Saturday morning. Coffee, mini bagels. Smoked salmon. Group intro. Dennis Ashford Virgin. Jeremy Virgin. Group talk. Put in. Ocean potion. Sagel, Max and Wade. Shuttle. Mason Branch. Wood's Ferry not dude! Twelve boaters. Two groups, but not really. Loose hips. Surfing waves. Bud's boner eddy no thank you. Insignifcant. The Captain not in the hole today. Insig surf wave. Stuart. Sagel. Upstream Matt. Downstream Matt. Peel off wave for downstream boaters. Iron curtain. Pillow rock scout. See tongue. Left 1st rock with left angle. Closer left on second rock. Count to 3 go right. No Thank you. Dennis looking good. Jeremy hand padding playboat styles. Lisa smiling. Two fun boofs. Stretch break. Lost Paddle. First drop good. Luke, Joe, Jon, Bret and Matt do the 2nd drop creek line. Nice roll Bret. Very nice. Third drop all good. Tumblehome all good. Lunch. Iron ring scout. Impressive. Right, right and drive rightSome clean. Some not. Flips= rolls. Impressive windowshade/ mystery move Jeremy. Crowd roars. Sweets. Some flip. Most roll. Lisa smiling. Matt, Stuart and Sagel surfing. Joe stretching/crying. Takeout 3:45. Bret and pal Stuart hike up for vehicles. Special crackers, smoked oysters, Louisanna Hot Sauce Sardines. Sardines in mustard sauce. Cheese. Ocean potion lotion. Not so special crackers. Lisa taunting Joe. Joe taunting Lisa. Matt smiling. Bret the hugger. Luke kinda chatty. Jon keeping it going. Stuart being chatty. Long day. Dennis and Jeremy meet the party tape. D I N O S A U R. Hitting on me what, you need a CAT scan!


Camp. Showers. Mexican food. Dollar store bowl. Diet Mt Dew. Cash back $50. Damm. Dairy Queen. Blizzard. Thanks Dennis A.  Lisa bothering Joe. Joe bothering Lisa. "The Canyon"  Campfire. Coconut oil for the dog bite. Matt playing his guitar. Freaking awesome.( Brief interruption, if you do not know Matt Daniels, you are missing one really good paddler and super nice guy/ guitar player) Wagon WheelCurtis Lowe, Last chance with Mary Jane. Virgins crash. Lee and Stuart chatty. Lee and Stuart still chatty. Blazing fire. Awesome day.


Break camp. Lisa's $5 paco pad story. Pack. Put in. Missing person/persons? Shuttle is quick so to speak. On time is 15 minutes late. Paddling. Lisa smiling. All good. Dennis A boofs Bud's boner. Ouch. Insignificant. All good. Pillow Rock direct. Some lines better than others. Bret is video man. Lightning fast back deck roll Jeremy. Room of doom honey bun taxes Joe. Stretch above LP. Joe and Jon creek second drop. LP is all good. Lisa smiling. Iron ring direct. Most upright. Most. Sweets. Luke and Lisa go creeking. Jeremy visual of box canyon. Surfing waves on way to takeout. Rolls = flips. 1:30. Hugs around. Boats loaded. Oysters and non special crackers. Cheese. Brownies. Goodby Luke and Tina. Goodby Jon. Goodbye Stuart. Goodbye Jeremy and Melissa.


Homebound. Van hickup. Gas. Check engine light. Bret's computer fixit. "The Canyon" 303 your gaskets dude. Lisa bothering Joe. Joe ignores Lisa. Jumbo, Mammoth then Collosal. Wytheville gas. BK. Plain whopper. Damm. Change order. Dennis, Matt, Bret and Lisa killing Joe with plain whopper. Damm. Tunnel. One last breath. Pilot Mtn. Knob. 52S to I40 interchange bites. Macys. Car still there. Damm. Unload. Two pillows. Love my crew. Dennis A is okay. Missed The Captain and Mr. Perfect.
Forgive the grammar and spelling. My editor moved to Germany.