The Less Travelled Ocoee II

Trip Date:04/23/2016
Written by: , Posted: April 25, 2016

This trip was better attended despite the Nanty Open just up the road. It must have been the great weather! I heard several positive remarks regarding my new Ocoee River Guidebook for Raft Guide Trainees from random boaters and guides. The guidebook is my latest attempt to panhandle a few beers; if you like it consider bribing me with a craft beer or two to create more online guidebooks.

Richard Hall made his second personal descent of the Middle Ocoee on Saturday. This time he launched from the ramp, walked the plank, eddy hopped Broken Nose, and ran the raft line at Powerhouse. He had many combat rolls but the last one at Hell Hole was most impressive. He'll be running Wilson Creek in no time.

Tyler made his first personal descent of the Middle Ocoee Sunday. I think he got a roll but overall he made it look very easy.

Lee Martin broke his paddle near the bottom of Second Helping and flipped; he rolled up with half of his paddle and quickly C1'd after the other half to cheers from onlookers. We were planning to find a stick and duct-tape his paddle together but he had a spare breakdown in his boat (I suspect he is Boy Scout; Be Prepared).

Barnet rounded out our crew in his open boat and adding just a bit of diversity to our group. He said he only had a few runs on the Ocoee but he made it look quite easy. Billy Crush joined in the fun at times and generally misbehaved and laughed quite a bit.

Saturday evening we had some great tacos and beer at Don Armando’s at AU before camping at OAR.