Pleasant day on the Eno

Trip Date:06/24/2023
Written by: , Posted: June 24, 2023

Pleasant Green Access to West Point on the Eno Access, 8.5 miles

Participants: Jorge Castro, Marc Morris, Bob Brueckner (coordinator)

Gauge: USGS – Eno near Durham: 3.93 feet (602 cfs); about 1 foot on the Pleasant Green bridge

I wasn’t sure whether the last storm Friday night would be enough to keep the Eno running. The river’s small watershed has a habit of draining off quickly, but not on Saturday. We were able to play our way through the rapids and even did some surfing.

Saturday must have been World Turtle Day. It seemed as though every rock and stump on the Eno was home to dinner-plate size turtles. Most of them ignored us, while others carefully balanced on their carapaces with their legs sticking straight out. Or maybe they dreamed of becoming super heroes. (By the way, there really is a World Turtle Day on May 23.)

The turtles were not the only creatures on the river. There were deer eating lunch on shore; a pair of hawks chasing a vulture; and dragonflies flitting across the water. The humans swam at the Bobbitt and Sennett holes.

It was a good day to be in a boat on a river.