Novice Trip on the Dan!

Trip Date:10/20/2018
Written by: , Posted: October 30, 2018

Novice Trip on the Dan! What a blast for new boaters to be able to paddle with experienced folks like Bob and Elliot, Vince, Nate,Joe, Dan, Lorraine, Ken. The group also had moptop Lucy as mascot. The morning rain and cool temps didn’t hurt the fun at all. Fourteen boaters with differing skill levels were generous with each other and offered helpful hints and instruction. “Keep your feet in the trough to surf correctly” and “what’s the difference between a C to C vs a Sweep roll?”. Joe Berry acted as a self appointed school master and yelled out grades during ferry practice. We ate sandwiches and cookies at a mammoth rock and looked down into crystal clear waters of the Dan. An almost incident close to the end of the paddle provided serious lessons in safety for the group. The subsequent feedback was valuable for all participants. By the paddles end, the morning chill gave way to a sunny, cool fall day… nothing a drop of Baileys wouldn’t fix! Cheers to next year’s Novice Trip on the Dan!