New River Gorge

Trip Date:06/15/2012
Written by: , Posted: June 18, 2012

The trip was posted with a minimum preferred water level of 1' or above. The gauges held all week before the trip at around 2.5', so I figured we would have at least 2' by the weekend. We met at the visitor's center on Saturday morning and the folks there were reporting a level of -1.35'! To say the least. we were surprised, but a quick smartphone check indicated that the gorge was steady at 0.87' – a good, fun level with only minimum intimidation potential.

It was a small trip: Fast Fred and Kent French joined me to paddle on Saturday. Kent had told me before the trip that he was only in for Saturday, and he left after we ran shuttle. Fast and I got an early dinner after the trip on Saturday at a totally uncrowded Pies & Pints (quick seating, no waiting!!) and later got to relax around the campfire. We checked the gauge early on Sunday morning and it was holding at 0.87'. We decided not to paddle again on Sunday.

I've seen the New Gorge at all kinds of levels – from about -1' to 13' and it is fun at all of them! The level we saw on Saturday (0.87') would make a GREAT gorge first-timer level. The features are defined but forgiving. The Keeneys were still a read-and-run challenge, and the holes were defined but not sticky. Same with the rest of the river – a lot of fun!

Fast Fred wins the 'watch me boof directly into a hole' award (somewhere below Greyhound)- it was a pleasant surprise for him to learn that even the deepest part of the hole didn't grab him but let him out easily. Kent wins the 'quickest roll in the east' award for his roll right in front of the rock on the right side of Miller's Folly. 

Thanks to both Fast and Kent for a fun run on the New gorge on a perfect summer day!