Nantahala River

Trip Date:04/22/2022
Written by: , Posted: April 26, 2022
  • What a GLORIOUS trip.   Sunny and temperatures in the 80’s.  This was my inaugural run on the Nanty for this year and could not have asked for a better group of people and a better day.  Myself, Brenda Carlton, Matt Czajkowski, President Dana and First Gentleman Hoffman (in their Hyside (i.e. shredder like)), Jim Mazzola, Kristen Roberts, and Tom Womble was the intrepid crew.  We met at the NOC back parking lot to set shuttle.  Some of us had already dropped their boats at Ferebees where they were carefully watched over by the First Gentleman. While in the lot we met up with Matt Moore, Linda Sanders, Chris Jones, Kirk Weir, Joe and Tammy Laurick.  Enough for two groups and that it how it worked out with Matt, Linda, Joe and Tammy paralleling us during the day.   We spent about 3/1/2 hours on the water catching as many features, eddies as we could.   Surfers was a mid river highlight with Doug and Mary Stager greeting us landside as we pulled in.  We continued on down the river still enjoying the river and each others company.  Those of us who ran Nantahala Falls all managed to stay upright. All in all we could not have asked for a better day.