MMRT 2022

Trip Date:01/15/2022
Written by: , Posted: January 18, 2022
Another MMRT is in the books. I’ve been searching for a word to describe how much I appreciate everyone who has been a part of this Event/Trip. Yeah, yeah, yeah it might be getting a bit deep here, but it’s not too late to X out of this page.
I hope you will not.
Gratitude is more than just the feeling of thankfulness. Being thankful is the first step, and we have to have that initial feeling to build upon. We build upon it by redirecting our focus into making gratefulness an intrinsic part of our lives 365 days a year. Gratitude requires us to stay alert of the role of others in our lives. This is different from the fleeting nature of the act of a mere ‘thank you’ or feeling thankful one day of the year. Through gratitude, we get to make a sense of our lives and learn to credit our loved ones with the appreciation they deserve.
Susan Rhoads
MMRT 2022 Gratitude
Thank you Denise from Lot 2540 for being part of an organization that cares for others. The MMRT 2022 appreciates your time and dedication.
Thank you, Superintendent Phillips, for making us feel welcome in your Mayo River State Park. We look forward to you and your staff joining us one year!
Thank you Jenny Edwards the Education Coordinator with the  Rockingham County Education Foundation. Jenny had many words and deeds that helped us move ideas forward.
 Thanks, Wayne Jones for getting the money train started by posting a Rock-Aid link and encouraging others. Rock-Aid received $665 in donations. We are grateful for monetary donations to  Lot 2540 which totaled $200. Thank you so very much for your bucks!
Thank you Steven Pulliam for all the big, little, behind the scenes and on the scene assistance. Steven is the Dan Riverkeeper. He provided the pop-up tents for the takeout social.
Thanks, Mayor Kathy Galavan of Stoneville. Mayor Galavan made the park available and has been welcoming.
Thank you CCC members, soon-to-be CCC members, Smith River Valley Canoe Club, Kreek Phreaks Coastal Canoeist, River Kings, Tar Heel Paddlers, Foothills Paddlers, and GDI’s for your participation and kind donations.
Thanks, Joanie Lambert and Will Seeley for driving up and helping us to run shuttles more effectively.
Thanks, Tom Womble for making the effort to be with us in the morning. Always great to see Mr. WOR.
MMRT 2022 Meeting
Thirty-something folks showed up at Stoneville Memorial Park for the beginning of the MMRT 2022.
We pilled the picnic tables high with Food and personal care items headed to Lot 2540. Thank you  Denise and
for being there and sharing your ideals. We gathered  865 pounds of food and personal care items,
Mayor Kathy Galvan welcomed us and encouraged us to keep coming back to enjoy her community.
Steven Pulliam told us a little bit about Rockaid and the impact we are having on the community.
Brian Williams and  Anna Wheeler with DRBA told us a bit about their organization and encouraged us to have a great day! These folks are powerful players in the community. Consider joining DRBA. I just did.
MMRT 2022 River Trip
After the meeting, 31 people in 30 boats headed to the put-in and takeout to get the shuttle set. I think we had all the logistics done shortly before noon. We held a meet and greet below the put-in bridge.
Jerry Yang was kind enough to be the one leading us downstream. Thanks, Jerry. Bret Harrison was my sweep person. Thanks, Bret . Chris Brewer was my safety dude. Thanks, Chris.
As I was disappointed it was so warm and there was not nearly enough wind. I had to settle for low water satisfaction. Judy and Chip seemed interested in the rock formations in some of my “low water satisfaction” channels. Ice would have made it easier to just slid over them, but it seems we were a day early.
Sliding board rapid may have seen a record number of kayaks stacked on the far far left line. It was actually kinda pretty with all the colors lined up making rock dragging noises. Hard, hard, sharp right after that second slot and around that big boulder seemed a bit more wettish. Perhaps I could share that beta ahead of time next year?
The next mile or so is uneventful but has a wave here and there to surf. Smiles abound and laughter from folks trying a new wave or ferry is such a joyful sight and sound. I’m sure Donna Murphy would be glad for you to lead a trip like this in the coming year.
Heading around one more bend and we are at the lunch stop rapid. Some got out and stretched. Some ran the far left line and some ran the cool S-turn move. There was definitely a line at the bottom with folks surfing the wave and squirting. Smiles and more smiles. We had a brief snack, including some outstanding brownies and some of Sandra David’s outstanding homemade shortbread cookies.
 Just before it was time for the group to leave, we had Chris and Patrick zoom on down to the Boiling Hole to set safety. Thanks, guys.
The South Fork joins the North Fork and the river easily doubles in size. Jerry led the crew down the slots and everyone gathered below the bridge to discuss the World Famous Boiling Hole and S- Turn rapids. Some of us got out and watched while the others got their beta and started the procession. I swear it’s worth the drive to see 30 boats run through the Boiling Hole.
Now, it’s very bad juju to call out anyone who swims a rapid. Who knows, you could be next. Unfortunately, we had no swimmers. We did have an outstanding combat roll by a dude named Joe. It’s a common name for a stud boater with a bomber roll. I’d like to welcome another to the club, Joe Briscoe. Bomber roll dude! That knee drive was violent. Boom, he’s up in typical “Joe” style. Way to represent dude!
The S-turn rapid requires a couple more moves which everyone did with some degree of style. Several folks did the Boof/hole slot right before you go hard left. Impressive. The rest made the turn one way or another. Chris Mattox pulled that tandem boat around after a stylish eddy grab. Nice.
The takeout Social was on the beach this year. Two tents were set up for Matt, who goes by the title “Joe Junior”. Matt had two kettles going full speed for our Hot Chocolate Social. A collection of snacks was set up as well. Thanks, Matt for the time and effort.
 Lloyd Dossier with the United States Coast Guard Auxillary had a separate tent set up. Lloyd was in full dress uniform to speak with us about boater safety. I might need to remind you it was not a warm day and that he was there for several hours. Thank you Sir for your service and dedication to boater safety.
Shane Brown got the clean-up rolling. He will fill us in on a separate report. Thank you The Shane Brown for running the show!
After the shuttle was run, we got a picture with the flag taken and MMRT poker cards were handed out. My bad for not getting these done earlier and with a larger crowd. I’ll remedy that next year. If you would like a couple of poker cards and did not get several from me, send me a note. I’ve got a secret stash and just maybe the winning cards!  You need to do this asap!
I am grateful for each and every one of you who put time, effort, and money into this Event.  Part of me wants to scream ” We Did It” and part of me tears up feeling the love of and for so many extraordinary people like y’all,
Come back next year. Bring a friend or bring a new boater.
 It’s more about the people than the rapids.
Y’all Rock!