Mighty Mayo River Trip

Trip Date:01/05/2013
Written by: , Posted: January 13, 2013

Mighty Mayo River Trip   Saturday January 5th 2013

K1: Dawn Stewart, Larry Ausley, Nancy Guthrie, Pam Maynard, Joannie Lambert, Dennis Ashford, Nate Kritzmanich, Daniel Richardson, Ren Zacker, Danny Byrd (K1) Rhonda Jones (K1)

OC1: Shane Brown, Barrett Black, Brittany Di Massimo, Trent Fentress and Joe Berry

SRVCC Studbolts Joey Fallin and Sammy Allred were kind enough to guide us from the lunchstop rapd thru the final S Turn rapid. Our personal safety boaters!


We had this fine crew of 16-18 brave enough to challenge the raging 158 cfs of the Mighty North Fork of the Mayo. Ren was kind enough to help us out with a missing skirt and before you know it, we were on the water.( Note to self : No matter what you are paddling, bring an extra everything) The first mile or so was shallow ledges and rock scratching ELF training. Spirits were lightened when the blue skies broke thru. Before you know it we were heading to the famous Cow Pasture Rapid. Larry was kind enough to hop out and send folks down the right path. Thanks Larry. I joined him and watched some pretty good lines. The next half mile was painful low water rock dodging.

Onward thru some flat water it was good to see folks chatting up each other. This group was from several different areas so alot of new faces to each other.Great. Lunch Stop is around the corner and there is our escourt. We stopped for lunch and a brief rest. Next up is the confluence with the South Fork of the Mayo. River grows in width. Alot of fun small ledges above the bridge.

We group up below the Bridge and get ready for some action.The World Famous Boiling hole was mostly kind to us today. We had one swim, but I would never tell on that nice gent who paddles that blue boat. S Turn got one of us as well. While carrying up for a few laps we saw Jesse Duncan and Shane ripping it up on the Boiling Hole wave hole. Good job fellows. There were a few more of the SRVCC folks there taking pictures and enjoying the day.

Thanks to all who made the Mighty Mayo River Trip a good time. I have made alot of good friends running this trip over the past couple years. How awesome was it to have folks from the SRVCC make a special effort to guide us down the more difficult rapids. Thank you. Join us next time if you can. The CFS is just a number. The good times are with the people making it down the river no matter the level. Thanks to Bev Bryant for running shuttle for us.