Beginner Clinic

Trip Date:06/02/2012
Written by: , Posted: June 7, 2012

I was surprised lately when my daughter Carol expressed an interest in Kayaking. She and I attended the CCC beginner clinic led by Ron and Tony. Both fabulous instructors. I wish I had the weekend of boating on video. We had a wonderful time together paddling the Town Tuck and then the Tuck Gorge at around 800cfs. Carol impressed me by mastering the eddie turn and peel out, as well as pulling off a couple of ferries all while having two dry hair days! The look on her face by the end of the 2nd run was priceless and of course her dad was beaming with pride;-) What an amazing weekend! Thank you Ron and Tony for giving of yourselves and sharing your passion for boating with others! I am also grateful to those club members who loaned gear so that Carol could be properly outfitted.
