Ocoee Shoulder Season II

Trip Date:05/06/2017
Written by: , Posted: May 9, 2017

Saturday was wet cool and cloudy but Joe Marincel showed up for some more Ocoee fun. We ran two laps before we were cold and hungry but river traffic was fun and we worked several of the fun challenge moves along the way. Sunday was much more sunny but a little cool. River traffic picked up a bit and the Kellogg Show infested all the play sopts etc as they paddled down the river; they cause many of us to laugh and smile. Those kids surfed everything on the rive including Double Suck. Joe got introduced to trainee/rookie raft guiding at Broken Nose Eddy #3 but he fended well for himself. Joe stays cool under fire. All in all it was a great weekend of Ocoee River fun!