Summer Meeting at WOR and the Bylaw Revisions Passed!

Hello CCCers,

I hope everyone is gearing up for Week of Rivers.  I know I am excited!  Before we head to the Gorge, I wanted to give a brief update.  First and most importantly, the bylaw revisions passed.  These were extensive revisions that will hopefully help the club operate smoothly.  While most of the changes passed unanimously,  several had a few dissents (see for details).  I am happy to see the project draw to a successful close.  Personally, I was strongly in support of the changes and believe they will help club tremendously.  Please remember that any part of the bylaws that do not work for the club can be changed!

Our annual club summer meeting is at 8 pm on Saturday June 28th, the first day of WOR.  The meeting will be under the club tent, so please grab a chair and some friends and join us.  We will need someone to volunteer for the nominating committee during the meeting.  Please consider volunteering for this important committee.

If you have any topics for discussion, please forward them to any of your board or staff members.

One item for discussion will be the Paddler.  We haven’t had an issue in 2014, because we haven’t had the volunteers necessary to do put out an issue.  Having worked on the Paddler in the past, I don’t believe it was a cost effective use of volunteer time in its current form.  I do believe the Paddler is a valuable part of the club and I don’t want to see it simply fade away.  I have a number of thoughts on the Paddler and how to improve it, but we can’t do anything without volunteers.  We have had a member recently express interest in helping, but he cannot do it alone!  We need others to help, if we are going to resurrect the Paddler.

Thanks and SYOTR,
