Paddlers collect trash on Mayo River

Paddlers on the CCC Mighty Mayo River Trip 2018 collected 15 bags of trash, a tire and a flat screen TV.

There were a lot of bottles at the takeout. Just ask Tom Womble.

Special thanks goes to Joe Berry and Doug Stager for organizing this effort.

We received the following thank you note from the Mayo River park superintendent:

I went by and picked up the trash this morning.  I didn’t count the bags, but would estimate the number at around 15 (that is what I am going to record on our database, we track bags of litter collected). The site looks good. Thank you for the effort your group made to help preserve the aesthetic quality, safety, and environmental integrity of the Mayo River corridor for everyone’s benefit.  If it weren’t for volunteer efforts like yours that area would be knee deep in garbage. Furthermore cans, bottles, bags, and Lord- knows- what- else would litter the banks of the Mayo all the way to the confluence with the Dan and beyond through each succeeding river basin to the Atlantic Ocean.Please pass along my appreciation to your club.

Keith D. Martin

Park Superintendent

NC Dept of Natural and Cultural Resources

Division of Parks and Recreation

Mayo River State Park


Thanks again to everyone who picked up trash!

Bob Brueckner

CCC Conservation Chair