The Paddler Upcoming

Fellow Awesome members of the Carolina Canoe Club,

Now that The Paddler has gone live I would like to say a few…ok many words about what to expect in the future along with many job opportunities that pay a ton in gratitude and an entire $000,000 yearly salary.

As most of you received the MMRT specific poker cards this past weekend and are already wondering for what.  Well that would be the poker game.  All the details can be found on the Poker Game Rules page or by clicking on the next game picture.  As the picture says the next game will be on Feb 26th so plenty of time to get out there and paddle with some more dealers to get more cards.  Currently Joe Berry, Jerry Yang, Chris Brewer, and that weird safety guy William all have the 2022 CCC Decks.  Dana Hoffman will have a deck soon, and we have 2 more decks that need a high speed dealer to take control of.  To become a dealer we just need $100 deposit to cover the cost of the cards.  Ok just kidding about that part, We are looking for individuals who go out and paddle or regularly meet people who are prospective members.  Also be on the lookout for the next special deck which will be out and about on the Easter Trip.  If you are interested in becoming a card dealer then let us know.  If needed we can order more cards.  Lastly be on the look out for that grand prize poker game that will be played during WOR, more will be posted on this as we get closer to date.

The Paddler staff has already reached out to the officers for a good end of year report so hopefully those will start getting added soon.  I have already read most of them and its good information, especially for those that don’t get to attend meetings and hear all the good information discussed there.

We have a couple young journalists who have agreed to go out and get us some good stories to publish.  Those will range from reports on a trip, stories about a river, conservation efforts, and interviews with some of our members that you may or may not know.  Expect to see some good stories coming from them soon and if you are interested in becoming a CCC journalist then send us a message.

The CCC Logo sales will also come back in near future.  This was a part of The Paddler in the previous years but had some issues with logistics.  We are currently working on multiple options to bring back some fashion of logo sales so all of you can go out and represent the wonderful Carolina Canoe Club and of course The Paddler.  If you have thoughts on logo products that you would like to see or ideas to help bring back logo sales send us a message.  If you would like to volunteer to help with logo sales then let us know and we will get you added and put you to work.

The Paddler will be working with your awesome new Cruise Chair, Donna Murphy to establish a trip coordinator contest which will result in a prize at WOR.  More to follow on this but until then get out there and coordinate some trips so you can be eligible.  You can look at the Trip Coordinator section of the webpage for more on coordinating trips.

The Paddler is your newsletter as members of the Carolina Canoe Club so if you would like to see something or have ideas please let us know and we will see what we can do.  With almost 700 members, a number that will hopefully rise in the coming months, we have a lot of reach to accomplish many things.

In closing I would like to thank all those who have helped to get this going, I could not have gotten this up and running without you;

Bob Bruekner who I obviously already thanked in my previous post but still warrants more thanks as he spent many hours working on the test site for us to get this up and running.  He also agreed to help publish some stories, of which I suspect the first will be getting posted soon.

Donnie Fleming who helped us out during all the test phase and getting it all up and running on the actual website.  Without his help and mentoring on this complex website it would have never happened.

Rick Steeves who is another “retired” yet was also a critical part of getting this page up and running.  It was his idea to use the website to host The Paddler and afterwards he helped us with suggestions and edits throughout the process.

Tom Womble, who we decided to feature in our profiles, but also gave a lot of input in getting it up and running and agreed to write stories including the very first story of “Why I Paddle” which if you haven’t read you need to go read.

Gary Kyle who was the editor of the very last edition of The Paddler who gave us insight to the previous editions and agreed to help with the new version.

Thank you all and I look forward to seeing where The Paddler goes in the future.

William Holman

Paddler Editor