Larry’s Tips No.6: The Pillid

by Larry Ausley

Who likes Nalgene water bottles (raises hand)? Who likes convenience (raises hand)? Who likes multi-tasker tools (raises hand)? Take a look at the Nalgene Pillid cap. It’s an inexpensive add-on to any wide-mouth Nalgene bottle that provides you a small, dry storage space for storing small items like pills.

I’ve added a Pillid to all my paddling water bottles for 3 medications I like to have easily at-hand and easy to access, for either myself or for my paddling companions; medications that I have used or offered to others while on the water. I try to keep my Pillids stocked with Ibuprofen (for aches/pains/headache), Diphenhydramine (e.g. Benadryl) for immediate first aid of allergic reactions like insect stings and the antidiarrheal loperamide hydrochloride.

Pillids are available from Nalgene, Amazon and elsewhere.

(Note a couple of other add-ons here too: The Peregrine Equipment Bottle Belt is a secure loop for securing your bottle. An extra climbing/rescue-grade locking carabiner (for clipping the bottle in, but also then, available for rescues as well as a Petzl Carabiner pulley for mechanical advantage rescue systems. As a unit, this all serves its primary use, hydration, but also convenient secondary uses without much added cost, weight or bulk.)