Dispatch from CCC Basecamp #1

Dispatch from CCC Basecamp

Note from the Pres. #1  Jan 1, 2024

Sanctuary This Year

Will the sky be falling or will the rivers run all year?

It’s late January 2020. Some of us CCC guys are in Ecuador. En route home, at 30,000 ft on a Delta jet, three hours before we land, the world literally changes with Covid. You recall the rest of that year….fear, anxiety, election stress, riots etc. For many of us it was tough to have sanctuary, find joy, and get the soul recharged from the river. And here we are with another election year to go along with regular life issues and all its noise.

Not this time!

Come to the river. Head to that open all year campground.  Let’s go. Let’s swipe left and delete the noise on as many river trips this year as it takes for us to anchor our joy and mental reserves.

Laughter heals. Being around other responsible boaters on the water grounds us. A good day on the river recharges the soul. Bring a joke. Mercilessly razz your good friend. Forget your troubles. Remember that saying: “ Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about”. Take someone with you….get them out of their “stuff”….give them just one sentence of encouragement…..watch what happens.

The CCC By-Laws state our Mission in Section 3:

“Carolina Canoe Club is established to foster and promote the interest of those individuals who find recreation and relaxation in paddling…..to bring together paddlers for companionship…..to exchange information….to develop and conduct classes……..to act together toward the preservation of the wilderness character of our waterways…..”

You wouldn’t believe what a good board, staff and Week of Rivers leadership CCC has in place for 2024 to effectuate this Mission….. all boaters that care about the mission and on a certain level they care about you.

So take heart, swipe left, delete and ignore, BE ENCOURAGED, come to the river, leave the junk behind for a short respite, bring someone and recharge your batteries this year as needed. Laughter and moving water are medicinal. Let’s laugh and play a bit, shall we? Get involved somehow! Take an action step right now…

All the very best for 2024— More dispatches to follow!

Johnson Rice, Pres.

Jan 1, 2024