Thank you for your interest and commitment to making the waterways a safer place! 

The spring SWR clinic will be held in the Triangle and is taught by Bobby Simpson, Russ Scheve, and Brian McPherson.  Day 1 (Saturday the 16th) is classroom based instruction covering the fundamentals of how to self-rescue as well as rescuing other boaters and equipment. Day 2 is hands-on exercises practicing the skills covered on day 1 in a real river setting. 

*Do Not start this form until you are ready to complete registration and make payment for the class.  After you submit the form, it will direct you to complete payment via Paypal.  Payment by Paypal is greatly preferred to reduce the paperwork associated with these classes.  If you cannot pay by Paypal, you will need to remove the course from the cart at the end and make payment by sending a check made out to the Carolina Canoe Club with your paper forms.

*Do Not start this form until you are ready to complete registration and make payment for the class.  After you submit the form, it will direct you to complete payment via Paypal.  Payment by Paypal is greatly preferred to reduce the paperwork associated with these classes.  If you cannot pay by Paypal, you will need to remove the course from the cart at the end and make payment by sending a check made out to the Carolina Canoe Club with your paper forms.

Due to the wild popularity of this event, this event is currently full (for registration at Appletree), and on-line registration is closed. For more information, contact Joan Monnig, Coordinator

Register below for the Families Paddle Too! Memorial Weekend Event using Paypal or Google Checkout.  This registration will cover camping at Appletree Group Camp starting Friday Night May 24th through Monday morning May 27th. 
